Delaneys Corner sign at Nirranda, Australia

The Delaney background

These pages are written by various family members about the why and how of the Delaneys - why they left Ireland and how they came to be in Australia at Delaney's Corner, Nirranda, in the Western District of Victoria. Also some of what they did when they got there.

In Ireland

In Australia

  • The Passengers' List of The Cyprus - The passengers' list of The Cyprus from 15th January 1855 with John and Bridget Delaney and their six children.
  • Whiskey - A condensed (hem) history of the Delaney's whiskey making in the Western District in the 1880's and 1890's from D.J. (Joe) Delaney's 1978 book 'The Delaney/Dunne Reunion 1978'.
  • Getting to Australia and the Early Years - Introductory text from Mary O'Callaghan's 1983 book 'A Long Way From Tipperary' with details of the arrival of John and Bridget Delaney and their six children.
  • Early Colonial Victoria - What the Migrants Found - what was happening in the developing colony and how that impacted on the lives of the Delaneys in the first 3 decades after their arrival.
  • Delaney's Corner map - A map from D.J. (Joe) Delaney's 1978 book 'The Delaney/Dunne Family Reunion' showing the location of Delaney's Corner next to the original blocks, 76A, 76B and 76C. Also a modern map from VicRoads showing it's location on the Great Ocean Road.
  • Delaneys in the News - news articles concerning various Delaneys

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