Delaneys Corner sign at Nirranda, Australia
I2102: Jeremy DELANEY (27 NOV 1975 - ____)


27 NOV 1975 - ____

  • BIRTH: 27 NOV 1975, Warrnambool, Victoria
Father: Edward DELANEY
Mother: Doreen O'NEILL

                       _Thomas Joseph DELANEY _+
                      | (1899 - 1969) m 1925   
 _Edward DELANEY _____|
| (1936 - ....) m 1971|
|                     |_Anne Bridget BURRIS ___+
|                       (1895 - 1950) m 1925   
|--Jeremy DELANEY 
|  (1975 - ....)
|                      ________________________
|                     |                        
|_Doreen O'NEILL _____|
  (1945 - ....) m 1971|

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3 MAY 1982 - ____

  • BIRTH: 3 MAY 1982
Father: Brendan DELANEY
Mother: Julia GREGORY

                       _Martin DELANEY _____+
                      | (1922 - 1989) m 1949
 _Brendan DELANEY ____|
| (1965 - ....) m 1990|
|                     |_Jean RETALLACK _____
|                       (1924 - ....) m 1949
|--Jessica DELANEY 
|  (1982 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Julia GREGORY ______|
   m 1990             |

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Jo-Anne Louise DELANEY

13 AUG 1968 - ____

  • BIRTH: 13 AUG 1968
  • EVENT: Fact: 2004, Divorced
Father: Graeme Geoffery DELANEY
Mother: Patricia May ROBB

Family 1 : Rodney ANDERS
  • MARRIAGE: 1995
  1.  Matilda ANDERS
  2.  Bridget ANDERS

                            _Joseph James DELANEY _+
                           | (1914 - 1999) m 1932  
 _Graeme Geoffery DELANEY _|
| (1935 - ....) m 1961     |
|                          |_Jean KREPP ___________
|                            (1916 - 2001) m 1932  
|--Jo-Anne Louise DELANEY 
|  (1968 - ....)
|                           _______________________
|                          |                       
|_Patricia May ROBB _______|
  (1938 - 2003) m 1961     |

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10 SEP 1808 - ____

  • BIRTH: 10 SEP 1808, Two Mile Borris, Ireland
  • EVENT: Sponsors: James Flynn & John Cantwell
Father: John DELANEY
Mother: Catherine Mary FLYNN

                         _John DELANEY _______
                        | (1700 - ....) m 1700
 _John DELANEY _________|
| (1760 - ....) m 1790  |
|                       |_(Delaney) UNKNOWN __
|                         (1700 - ....) m 1700
|--Joanna DELANEY 
|  (1808 - ....)
|                        _____________________
|                       |                     
|_Catherine Mary FLYNN _|
  (1760 - 1876) m 1790  |

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29 JUN 1974 - ____

  • BIRTH: 29 JUN 1974, Warrnambool, Victoria
Father: Kevin Leo DELANEY

Family 1 : Simon ROCHE
  • MARRIAGE: 25 JAN 1997, Warrnambool, Victoria
  1.  Asha Tahli ROCHE
  2.  Finn Coleman ROCHE

                       _Martin DELANEY _____+
                      | (1879 - 1951) m 1917
 _Kevin Leo DELANEY __|
| (1930 - 1986) m 1968|
|                     |_Mary Ellen COUCH ___+
|                       (1893 - 1976) m 1917
|--Joanne DELANEY 
|  (1974 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Gay CLAVARINO ______|
  (1944 - ....) m 1968|

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4 MAY 1982 - ____

  • BIRTH: 4 MAY 1982, Warragul, Victoria
Father: Brendan DELANEY
Mother: Anne GRIMES

                       _Francis Michael DELANEY _+
                      | (1909 - 1989) m 1949     
 _Brendan DELANEY ____|
| (1952 - ....) m 1973|
|                     |_Emily Frances WOODRUFF __
|                       (1918 - 1993) m 1949     
|--Joanne DELANEY 
|  (1982 - ....)
|                      __________________________
|                     |                          
|_Anne GRIMES ________|
  (1953 - ....) m 1973|

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____ - ____

Father: Gary DELANEY
Mother: Lyn MILNE

                       _Francis DELANEY ____+
                      | (1924 - ....) m 1950
 _Gary DELANEY _______|
| (1952 - ....)       |
|                     |_Marjory AKERS ______
|                       (1926 - ....) m 1950
|--Jodie DELANEY 
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Lyn MILNE __________|

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____ - ____

Father: Peter DELANEY
Mother: Mary MELLOW

                       _Francis DELANEY ____+
                      | (1924 - ....) m 1950
 _Peter DELANEY ______|
| (1954 - ....)       |
|                     |_Marjory AKERS ______
|                       (1926 - ....) m 1950
|--Joel DELANEY 
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Mary MELLOW ________|

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Johannah DELANEY


8 NOV 1877 - 9 JUN 1964

  • BIRTH: 8 NOV 1877, Nirranda, Victoria
  • DEATH: 9 JUN 1964, Warrnambool, Victoria
  • EVENT: Death Certificate: 11255, at 86 years
  • EVENT: Birth Certificate: 23989
Father: Patrick DELANEY
Mother: Ellen KILMARTIN

Family 1 : Frederick James PHILLIPS
  • MARRIAGE: 1915, Victoria
  • EVENT: Marriage Registration: 7222
  1. +Mary Ellen PHILLIPS
  2. +Kathleen Jessica PHILLIPS
  3. +Eileen Margaret PHILLIPS
  4.  John PHILLIPS

                       _John DELANEY _______+
                      | (1794 - 1876) m 1841
 _Patrick DELANEY ____|
| (1842 - 1908) m 1868|
|                     |_Bridget DUNNE ______+
|                       (1813 - 1884) m 1841
|--Johannah DELANEY 
|  (1877 - 1964)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Ellen KILMARTIN ____|
  (1842 - 1919) m 1868|

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[NI0055] JOHANNA DELANEY Johanna Delaney was born in 1877 at Nirranda, being the ninth child of Pat rick Delaney and Ellen Kilmartin. She attended school at Nirranda, afterwa rds living at home and being handy in the kitchen and helping on the far m. There was no place for idle hands because there was a family of twel ve to which to attend. As well there was always the arrival of more childr en in the various families which needed care and attention or, in tim es of sorrow, help had to be given. When Margaret (Burns) Delaney died, Jo hanna travelled to Millicent, South Australia, staying several months whi le attending to his family. Again, when Peter moved to South Morang, Johan na spent time with him and the boys. However she participated in the social life of Nirranda, attending the oft enoccurring dances and balls and was reputed to be a competent horsewom an able to manage both the saddle and the buggy reins. At age 37 in I 915 she married Frederick James Phillips, he being bo rn in 1883 at Penshurst. They moved to the much-needed occupation of the d ay, that of sharefarming, and spent some time on James Anderson's fa rm at Allans Forest in Mepunga. They lived in various houses in the distri ct and Fred worked for a Mr.Devenish who had the general store at Allansfo rd. They came to Warrnambool where they bought a little grocery store in L ava Street. This was not a very profitable venture and in 1 923 they mov ed to the house in Redford Street. Fred took up work in the town obtaining seasonal employment at Nestles. Ho wever, with the onset of the Depression, he went wood-cutting at Naringal rather than acce pting the dole. Johanna helped the family by doing domestic work, notably for the nu ns at St. Ann's. Eventually Fred began work at Younger's Department Store until he retir ed at the age of 72. Their Redford Street home was a gathering place for relatives from both si des, Delaneys from Bushfield, Ellerslie and Nirranda, Murnanes from Dennin gton, Lyons from Kirkstall, Farrells from Terang, various Tolemans, Slatte rys, Morgans and the Bonnetts from Mepunga. All called in from time to ti me but notably at Warmambool Show time. Due to these visits Johanna was ab le to keep up with the news from all branches of the family. Fred and Johanna had four children as follows- Mary, Kathleen, Eileen a nd John (Jack). As was the custom, each was born in a private hospit al in Warrnambool, for example, Mary at Nurse Thompson's in Raglan Para de and Jack at Sister Ingpen's in Banyan Street. Throughout her life Johanna took her religion seriously and participat ed in the social events at St. Joseph's, notably the Sunday night cards. H owever, poor health in her later years kept her confined to her home and s he died in her 87th year. Fred had predeceased her in 1959. Both are buri ed in the Warrnambool cemetery.


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ABT 1700 - ____

  • BIRTH: ABT 1700, Ireland
  • DEATH: Ireland
  • REFERENCE: in Ireland
Family 1 : (Delaney) UNKNOWN
  • MARRIAGE: AFT 1700, Ireland
  1. +John DELANEY
  2. +Timothy DELANEY
  3.  Thomas DELANEY
  4.  Edward DELANEY
  5.  Margaret DELANEY

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