William CHARTERS -- to -- Jackie CLOWES Tony COAD -- to -- Fiona COLMAN Helen COLMAN -- to -- Joshua CORNELISSEN Rob CORNELISSEN -- to -- Rowen Bruce CRAIGIE Thomas Alexander CRAIGIE -- to -- Peter DALTON Riley DALTON -- to -- Marc Antony Kelvin DAY Maxwell Martin DAY -- to -- Aidan Harris DELANEY Andrew DELANEY -- to -- Brendan DELANEY Brendan Lee Harris DELANEY -- to -- Charlee DELANEY Charles Jamieson DELANEY -- to -- Denis DELANEY Denis Patrick DELANEY -- to -- Francis Michael DELANEY Francis Raymond DELANEY -- to -- Helen Ann DELANEY Hugh DELANEY -- to -- Joanna DELANEY Joanne DELANEY -- to -- Josephine DELANEY Joshua DELANEY -- to -- Lachlan James DELANEY Lachlan Marc DELANEY -- to -- Luke Ivan DELANEY Lyndal DELANEY -- to -- Mark DELANEY Mark DELANEY -- to -- Michael DELANEY Michael Gerard DELANEY -- to -- Patrick DELANEY Patrick DELANEY -- to -- Philip DELANEY Phillip DELANEY -- to -- Seth DELANEY Shane DELANEY -- to -- Thomas DELANEY Thomas DELANEY -- to -- William Patrick DELANEY William Patrick DELANEY -- to -- Mary Agnes Thirzo DIXON Meg Lily DIXON -- to -- Mary DOUGLAS
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