Delaneys Corner sign at Nirranda, Australia

Cow of the Moment

Inspired by Cow of the Month on, we've decided to start our own Cow of the Moment.

Who better to turn to next than Genetics Australia and Pat & Rosemary Roache with their PYRAMID daughter Junipyr. They appeared together on the front cover of the Genetics Australia magazine, Autumn 1997 issue, where Rosemary was quoted:

'We want bigger Jerseys - modern, tall, long, stylish-looking animals. I like plenty of daylight under them with snug udders attached high and wide at the back. If we expect lots more litres they'll need bigger udders and if they're tall they can keep them out of the mud!'

Obviously the photographers at Genetics Australia have more than just a pretty face in mind when they framed Junipyr's shot below. Snug, high and wide ideed.

Junipyr - Autumn 1997 Cow of the Moment

Our very own red heifer posed for us with her friends on a visit to Delaneys Corner in July 1997. Whatever became of the lot of them is best left to the imagination. Or the barbeque.

July 1997 Cow of the Moment

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